Best Seat Cushions for Chairs

everlasting-comfort-pure memory foam luxury seat cushion

We all love to sit for long periods, whether it’s watching television, reading, listening to music or just relaxing. The problem is that most of the seats we sit on are not very comfortable, or well-designed to support a healthy posture. A cheap and easy solution is to buy a seat cushion. So whether it’s … Read moreBest Seat Cushions for Chairs

Best Walking Canes for Women

Best Walking Canes for Women 2024 If you feel unsteady on your feet and your balance and co-ordination is not what it used to be, then you need some extra help in the form of a walking cane to support you. Perhaps you have had an operation, illness, or recovering from an injury, or you … Read moreBest Walking Canes for Women

Best Leather Riser Recliner Chairs

riva dual motor electric riser recliner chair

If you are looking for the best leather riser recliner chairs 2024 then you have come to the right place. There are lots of different types of recliner chairs, but the riser recliner chair is one is that offers you all around support, getting you safely on and off the chair. With a riser recliner chair … Read moreBest Leather Riser Recliner Chairs

Best Portable Wheelchair Ramps for Homes

Best Portable Wheelchair Ramps for Homes 2019

Wheelchair ramps for homes are a great way for the elderly or less mobile to move freely in and around the home safely, increasing their independence to manage daily activities easier. Wheelchair ramps are portable, foldable and easy to set up and dismantle, whether it’s to access your property, help with porches, internal and external … Read moreBest Portable Wheelchair Ramps for Homes

Best Walking Canes for Men

best walking canes for men

Best Walking Canes for Men 2024 If you feel unsteady on your feet and your balance and co-ordination is not what it used to be, then you need some extra help in the form of a walking cane to support you. Perhaps you have had an operation, illness, or recovering from an injury such as … Read moreBest Walking Canes for Men

Best Mattress for Elderly Back Problems

The Best Mattress for Elderly Back Problems

One of the most important things that you should consider, especially if you suffer with back problems is a comfortable, supportive mattress. Back pain, often chronic, and sometimes discomfort to your hips, shoulders or neck can affect your sleep, general health and overall well-being. Having the best mattress for elderly back problems is critical to … Read moreBest Mattress for Elderly Back Problems

Best House Slippers for Women 2024

Best House Slippers for Women

Each year in the UK around 1 in 3 adults over 65 who live at home will have at least one fall a year, and about half of these will have more frequent falls. One of the common risk factors in a person falling is either wearing wrongly fitting or inappropriate footwear, socks, tights, or, … Read moreBest House Slippers for Women 2024